Arbitration, mediation and negotiation

The firm acts in domestic and international arbitrations and in mediation and conciliation on civil and corporate procedures, it also represents its clients in administrative and judicial issues, even in Brazil or abroad.
The Firm assists in planning and execution of strategies, elaboration and negotiation of arbitration clauses and enforcement of arbitral awards, as well as the sponsorship in arbitral procedures.

Contracts and extrajudicial consulting

FRS offers extrajudicial counseling which consists of contracts elaboration, revision and analysis, on making juridical opinions and legal advises on issues relating to Civil and Business Law, as well as on grounding risks and legal or administrative claims implications.

Litigation and management of actions

With a high qualified team, FRS acts in the contentious area, in civil and corporate matters, representing clients before several national courts and administrative bodies.

The firm also acts defending the interests of large corporations in lawsuits which involve consumer law, developing all legal strategy and making the integrated process portfolio management with the direct action of FRS’s members.

Consultative and tax litigation

Via the consultant Marco Antonio de Almeida Rego, FRS performs tax planning with the aim of minimizing taxes, rates and contributions value. Holding a huge experience in tax executions sponsorship, it draws up actions, administrative resources and defenses which involves several taxes of any nature.

Estate planning and successions

FRS assists its clients on the succession planning structure and on impact assessment, as well as in and out of court inventories.

Business recovery and bankruptcy

Representing creditors or debtors, FRS acts on business recovery and bankruptcy, both establishing plans and held loan recovery due to company’s crisis.

FRS Advogados Area de atuacao