Faoro, Reis & Sztajnbok Advogados (FRS) is a law firm founded in 2017. It is the result of a merger of three youthful and experienced lawyers, all of them with highlighted relevant performance on the area and expertise on renowned law firms and huge companies.

The FRS’s office still count on with Lucas Antonio da Fonseca Costa’s expertise and talent, who is the founding partner of Fonseca Costa Lawyers, with more than thirty years acting on litigious law in the country. Lucas is a FRS’s counsellor on several demands.

Allying various and complementary experiences of founding members, the FRS is based on offering personalized and high technical quality services, especially on civil, business and administrative law, in contentious or advisory matters. The firm represents clients before Brazilian Federal and State Courts, as well as in mediations and domestic or international arbitrations.

Located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the FRS acts, individually or in partnership with other law firms, throughout the national territory, in the constant pursuit of meeting the client’s needs.

The efficient, effective and highly specialized structure of a “Boutique Office” allows for each case to be carefully and personally conducted and supervised by the founding partners, providing its clients with personalized and full-time assistance that ensures efficient, fast and innovative solutions.

FRS Advogados